Welcome to ‘Meet the Teacher’ where our lovely staff at the Lady Nafisa school introduce themselves and share their experiences on what it’s like being an educator at an independent girls school
So let’s get started and meet the teacher!
Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you teach and how long you have been a teacher?
Assalamualaykum, my name is Ustadha Humainah and I teach KS3 Maths, History and some English intervention at LNS. I have been a teacher for 9 years and I was a primary school teacher for the first 8 years- mainly teaching Y6

When and why did you decide you wanted to become a teacher?
I started helping at summer schools in my local masjid when I was 16 and I really enjoyed it (in fact, I was asked to teach weekly Islamic Studies classes which I did for the next 10 years). It felt very natural! However, after university, I wanted to be a copy editor (I love reading so it would be the perfect excuse to read all day!), but my parents thought that wasn’t a very stable job with many prospects so they suggested I should get a teaching qualification first and then indulge myself with copy editing. The rest, is history!
How would you define a great lesson?
I think a great lesson is when students are interested and engaged in the subject, and they go away with a thirst to learn more as well as discussing it outside of the lesson!
What do you enjoy about teaching at an all girls school?
I love the atmosphere- there is genuine and sincere care, mutual respect, feeling of togetherness and the students have excellent role models. I also get excited when I see girls inspired, excelling and fulfilling their potential without any barriers and with support of the whole school community.
If you could only give one piece of advice to a student what would it be?
Never stop learning. Whether it is about your deen, a new skill, a topic you know nothing about- the human brain has an amazing capacity and thirst for learning. You have never “finished” learning. The more your learn, the better person you will be
What would be your dream school trip?
It would have to be all across the Soviet Union- from Russia and the relics of the old Tsar to the birthplace of Imam Bukhari in Uzbekistan. The area is steeped in fascinating and some of it undiscovered history.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
In my spare time, I like reading, walking, I dabble in some art (for my eyes only!), writing stories, knitting and spending time with friends and family.
If you weren’t a teacher what other profession do you think you would choose?
I think I’d like to work in a bookshop or perhaps be a surgeon!
What did you want to be when you were a child?
When I was a child, I wanted to be an inventor! I had breakfast machine and bathing machine prototypes designed and ready to go!
What’s your favourite inspirational quote?
Indeed, I am near
And finally, what does education mean to you?
For me education is something that creates kind, creative and wonderful human beings who make the world a better place for all of humanity
Thank you so much to Ust Humainah for sharing with us.
Join us next month and see who will be telling us their story.