Welcome to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ series where our lovely staff at LNS introduce themselves and share their experiences on what it’s like being an educator at an independent Islamic girls school.
So let’s get started and meet the teacher!
Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you teach and how long you have been a teacher?
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,
My name is Ustadha Amatullah and I have been teaching for 9 years in Italy and 6 years in UK in the primary school sector focusing on key stage 2. I love teaching all subjects especially when the lessons get more interactive such as in Science and Art. However, at LNS I will mainly work with the other teachers to co-ordinate additional support for the students, liaising with their parents and other professionals who are involved with them.
When and why did you decide you wanted to become a teacher?
I am passionate about teaching and I feel more enthusiastic about it day after day. My big passion is to identify the students in school who may need extra support in place to build on their strengths so to reach their full potential.
How would you define a great lesson?
I believe that to be great a lesson should have all participants – students and teachers – engaged and enthusiastic, creating an environment where the learning and progression are ‘visible’.
What do you enjoy about teaching at an all-girls school?
All-girls schools are an inspirational environment dedicated to understand the way young ladies learn and thrive. I do particularly love the atmosphere at Lady Nafisa School where young Muslim ladies can increase their competency and skills.
If you could only give one piece of advice to a student what would it be?
My advice would be to always be honest and approach life with an open heart and humbleness.
What would be your dream school trip?
It would be in a place where I had never been before that offers a lot to explore, such as the spectacular landscapes of the China’s Zhangjiajie Mountains.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I love reading, gardening, spending time with my family and my cat.
If you weren’t a teacher what other profession do you think you would choose?
I would have loved to become a vet!
What did you want to be when you were a child?
I definitely dreamed about becoming a vet as I was fond of animals.
What’s your favourite inspirational quote?
“A real man is the one who fears the death of his heart, not his body.” (Ibn Qayyim)
And finally, what does education mean to you?
Education is paramount for me. It represents the bridge between the dreams and their realization.
Thank you so much to Ust Amatullah for sharing with us. Join us next month and see who will be telling us their story.