Help build our Prayer Area (2023 Appeal)
As we celebrate 15 years of Lady Nafisa School, we urgently need £90,000 to build our purpose built Prayer Area.
To donate click HERE

To support our efforts of spreading Islamic knowledge and to share in the reward, please become a Supporter of Ha Meem & Lady Nafisa School
Become a Supporter by donating just £3 per month and *Be One of the One Thousand *
Follow the JustGiving link below to set up a regular donation and become One of the One Thousand
Your funds will help us:
*Support Lady Nafisa School secondary school now going into its 15th year
*Scholarly research on matters of current affairs, jurisprudence & creed.
*Building, infrastructure and resource costs
*Original programmes including the History of Islam and the West 2022-2023
* Supporting our Alim program launching 2022-2023 taught by leading U.K. scholars
Please support our efforts in the Intellectual Struggle "fee sabeel-illah", in the Path of Allah the Exalted.
We are looking to attract 1000 Supporters from the wider Muslim community who believe in our efforts and support the work of the Deen.
Sponsor a student
In order to keep fees low, we actively fundraise via community events and ask for donations from businesses, individuals and organisations.
There is a huge need within the community for Islamic education. We are striving to fulfil this duty and urge the community to rally together to help us.
Bank Transfer :
Account Name: Lady Nafisa School
Account Number : 82708760
Sort Code : 40-25-02
IBAN : GB 32 MIDL 402502 82708760