Our Vision
Our vision is to create an inspiring learning centre in which individuals can blossom and flourish to achieve spiritual, academic and personal excellence in all that they do.
Students are nurtured to contribute to the success of their families, communities, society and the world around them.
Our Mission
The mission of Lady Nafisa School directly reflects the school’s vision statement and embraces the academic mission of the school. It seeks to:
- Create a culture of achievement at all levels of ability;
- Adopt a forward-looking and innovative approach to learning that reflects our awareness of current and future trends without sacrificing traditional strengths;
- Provide high-calibre staff who are themselves open to learning and who are given opportunities for continuing professional development;
- Provide a God-centred learning environment with a vibrant atmosphere and within it a sense of purpose and a climate of open friendly communication built through mutual trust and respect;
- Provide moral and spiritual guidance to students so that they can fulfil their full potential as human beings to become true and sincere worshippers of God;
- Develop a deep love for the final Prophet of God, Muhammad (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him) and follow his life and practice.
Our Aims
We aim to provide an Islamic holistic approach wherein the spiritual, moral and social values we follow are embedded in every aspect of school life. Our aims:
Lifelong learners – we aim to develop self-motivated learners with an enquiring attitude who aim for the highest standards in all that they do;
Learning environment – we aim to create a stimulating and happy environment in which all learners can fulfil their potential and in which we celebrate their achievements in all areas;
Curriculum for achievement – we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum in which learners can excel and exceed beyond their expectations;
Respect for all – we aim to establish a courteous, caring and disciplined community in which self-respect, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility are fostered along with concern for others;
Partnership – we aim to sustain and nurture the close partnership between home, school and the local community;
Islamic holistic education – God has mandated beauty and excellence (Ihsan) for all things. We aim to imbue a deep sense of ihsan in all aspects of our learning journey.
Our Ethos and Values
The ethos of our school can be defined as the core values that are fundamental to everything that we do as a learning centre.
At Lady Nafisa School, our core values are based upon the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him).
We aim to provide an education of the highest quality within the context of Sunni Islamic belief and practice.
Lady Nafisa, who the school is named after, was the great-great grand daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). Her personality reflected true Islamic character and values. She acquired extensive knowledge and led a life of service towards her community. Lady Nafisa is a role model for all young women.
School Self Evaluation