What time does the school start and end?
The school doors open at 8:00am. Registration is at 8:10am. The school finishes at 3:10pm for KS3. Sometimes KS4 may have an additional lesson which finishes at 4:00pm.
When is the entrance exam?
The entrance exams are held in November. You can book your daughter's place by contacting the office via admin@ladynafisa.org
How long is the entrance exam?
Students wishing to enter Year 7 or 8 will sit a Maths and English paper. The Maths paper lasts 1 hour and the English paper lasts 1 hour. Students wishing to join Year 9 have to sit an additional Science paper. Timings for Year 9 exams will vary.
Are the entrance exams like the 11+ exams?
The entrance exams are not like the 11+ exams. They are an assessment of your daughter's level in Year 6. You can see a sample English exam paper here (Insert for exam here) and sample Maths paper here.
What do I need to bring for the entrance exams?
Please ensure your daughter has 2 pens, 2 pencils, a rubber and a ruler. She does NOT need a calculator.
When are the interviews for new students?
After the exams, your daughter will be called in for an interview with the Head or Deputy Head. Parents will be invited in afterwards.
What are the school fees?
You can find out more information about fees here.
When can I visit the school?
The school typically holds open day in October. You can contact the school office for further information.
How can I get involved in Lady Nafisa School?
We are always keen to work with others. If you have a skill, passion or idea that you would like to share with us, drop us an email!